Muscle Memory

I have decided that the best way to keep me honest about this “get healthier” routine is to post my accomplishments (and set backs) here. I never been one to post my daily food intake or the workouts I am doing. But obviously, that did not keep me in shape. Instead, I am setting up accountability, and more for my benefit than for your amusement.

To give a little background, I have started swimming again. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Some of my fondest memories of swimming was at the Schofield Barracks pool. My friends and I were part of the exclusive club (not really, just swim team) that got to swim past closing hours. Everyday, at 5 o’clock, the bugle would sound and the flag lowered, and we would take to the water for our practice. It was hard work, but filled with laughter.

We got to swim in the rain, which is nicer than it sounds. Got to swim long after the sun went down. And just swim and swim.

The pool I am using now is adequate, but definitely not the Olympic size pool of my youth. But it’s there and serves its purpose.

People tell me that swimming is a good way to relax and calm down. They have not seen me swim. I’m still in that mindset that I can be faster. I can be more streamline. I have to force myself to float down the lane in order to warm down. Otherwise, I’ll just keep going.

And here, the boring part of the post – my workouts for the week. I’m still building up. My goals are to increase my endurance and speed, and for longer duration overall. I want to be able to swim a mile by next year.

Without further ado…

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
4×50 Freestyle
2×50 Breaststroke
4×50 Kick – Scissor
4×50 Freestyle

Friday, December 7, 2012
4×50 Freestyle
4×50 Medley (Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle)
4×50 Kick – Medley
2×50 Pulls – Freestyle
1×50 Pulls – Backstroke
1×50 Pulls – Choice
2×50 Warm Down
Total time: 34 minutes







One response to “Muscle Memory”

  1. kj Avatar

    Nice! And a great idea.